Many mums and dads are probably like me, getting sleepless nights when our babies are simply not sleeping.
Baby sleep has always been a hot topic discussed ongoing as this is something most new parents would need to deal with on a daily basis for an extended period of time.When do Babies Start Sleeping Through the Night
You always wonder when do babies start sleeping through the night. Most babies don’t start sleeping through the night 6 to 8 hours without waking until they are about 3 months old, or until they weigh 12 to 13 pounds or about 5 to 6 killograms. About two-thirds of babies are able to sleep through the night on a regular basis by age 6 months.
The best way is to get the basics right to help our babies to fall asleep quickly and have quality sleeping time.
How to Tell if Your Baby had Enough Sleep
Your baby’s mood and wellbeing is often a good guide to indicate whether your baby had enough quality sleep:
- If your baby is wakeful and grizzly, then he/she might need more sleep
- If your baby is wakeful but cheerful, then he/she probably had enough sleep
Tips on Baby Sleep
For me after reading tons of articles and comments on this baby sleeping topic, from my own experience and practices, the below works for my Bub:
1. Creating a soothing and calming environment by turning off the room lights or adjusting our Smart Home lights to a very dim setting;
2. Baby sleep music is very powerful to sleep train your baby. Playing some hypnotising music in my baby’s room has always been very effective and give my baby a very calm and happy mood to transit into a sleeping mode;
3. I also give my bub a cute cuddly Vtech sleeping bear which only costs $25 from Kmart , check out this bear from here if you are interested to know which one I am referring to;
4. Sometimes I do a kind of pre-sleep chitchat and hold my bub in my arms and slowly rock her to sleep. And if it doesn’t work then breastfeeding is one of the best way to soothe her and calm her down;
5. Occasionally white noises or hypnotic sounds from her work for my bub, I play stories, hypnotic sounds or songs from her little Xiaomi MITU which is a smart home story reader for bubs. This Xiaomi MITU also has changing lights that helps tremendously for my bub’s sensory development. If you are interested, you can find from here if you want give it a go for your bub.
These are some tips that may aid you to fight through sleeping issues with your little ones. Of course every child is so different, and there are so many different ways to relax them and settle them into quality sleeps. I would also love to hear your little tips on how you get your babies into quality sleeps, feel free to comment below so that we can be smarter and more effective the next time when we try to settle our babies to bed.