Inspired by Mothers Series – My Answers to the Interview Questions for Mothers

Our family time at The Entrance NSW

Nominated by my dear friend and fellow Mum Lucia Gu to also have myself answer these interesting interview questions, so here are mine ones…

1. A bit more about your background if you feel comfortable.

I am from Shanghai China and moved to Sydney Australia when I was 10 years old. I am Relationship Manager at American Express Australia. I am also a Mum Blogger who runs the Healthy Mum and Bub website and the Healthy Mum and Bub group. I became a Mum blogger and group owner during my maternity leave. When I became a mother and gone through the ups and downs of motherhood, I felt that Mums and Dads need the support and help to stay both mentally and physically healthy and enriched in their parenthood journey. Immersed with the love of my child, I also am so touched and fulfilled by the amazing perspectives of a child! I hope that we can all be inspired and encouraged by each other in our beautiful Healthy Mum & Bub family, and let’s walk the parenthood journey together hand in hand.

2. What is the most rewarding part of being a mother?

The most rewarding part of being a mother is to experience the growth and development of a new life magically starting from inside you! And then the changes to your body, the experience of the most painful but amazing birthing moments! Further, the endurance and spirit I have been able to build up through sleepless nights, numerous nappy changes, endless love, hugs and kisses to this wonderful little miracle I have created in my life!

3. What are the most challenging times being a mother? And how did you cope with them?

The most challenging times being a mother is during the time I am giving birth and postpartum, where I had to face the pains and tremendous changes in my body. Apart from these, another challenge is to fight against sleepless nights and ongoing fatigue, especially during the early weeks when you are a new Mum!

4. What is your biggest craving or pet peeve about being a parent?

My biggest pet peeve about being a parent is to forego the times for my hobbies such as playing the piano and painting. Also not drinking red wine until after I completely stop breastfeeding.

5. What makes your child smile and laugh?

The things that make my child Stephanie smile and laugh is there with her to play together. My baby girl giggles when I sing funnily, or tickle her from top to toe like a caterpillar, or making silly and funny body and hand movements together. She also smiles when I breastfeed, kiss and hugs her.

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6. Words that describe your child?

The words that describe Stephanie are sweet, cute, adorable, friendly, clever, curious and very vocal.

7. Any standout memories of your child?

Stand out memories of Stephanie include the first cry when she just arrived in this world, her first words en-neh which mean milk and mum, her first smile and eye contact with me during breastfeeding, her first long giggle when she saw one of my girlfriends in her 100 days party, and her first kiss to my face.

8. How do you like to spend time together nowadays with your family?

Due to the pandemic, we had to change the way we spend family time together. Pre-pandemic, we used to get out often to shop or going on road trips. Nowadays, we spend most of the times at home. As a family, we enjoy attending the virtual playgroups with Playgroup NSW together to interact with other parents and kids. We also love to have family musical times by playing little instruments together and sing along.

9. Any great advice to your child when he/she becomes a parent?

Be yourself, be the little unicorn who is unique and special in its form. Be an individual with colourful dreams and a free spirit! You only live once, so make the most out of it.

10. Being in your profession, what do you feel is the most interesting parts?

I have many professions now, I am a dedicated mum and wife, a career-focused woman, a passionate mum blogger and a group owner. I also manage my father – artist Alex Lin’s social media accounts on his artworks and shop, so the most interesting parts are you can wear so many different caps on your head, life is always a colourful rainbow and never dull. At times it may be overwhelmed by getting flights.

11. What would you say that helped you to implement into your life with your profession?

Use your imagination and creativity. There are millions of roadblocks and challenges in your life. As a human being you have your emotional moments, but training yourself to build a strong mind, body and spirit will help you to creatively face and resolve these challenges and roadblocks. Further, learn how to build great relationships with family, friends, colleagues, working partners, business associates and more, be grateful and show your gratitude, be universal and diverse in your connections. It’s when you have great relationships, you will thrive. Without the great relationships and support from these relationships, you will only be a lone soldier.

12. Any good advice on parenting tips you can share with us?

Love comes first. Be there for your child. Don’t preach to them just because the things they are doing don’t agree with you. Look from your child’s perspectives and try to learn and understand what they are thinking and the motives behind their behaviours. Sometimes when it is so hard for you to know why they are crying, just be there and give them warm hugs. Love never fails.

13. If anyone needs great advice on building their dreams or wants to connect with you as friends, what are the best ways to reach you?

You can connect with me to know more about what I do and/or contact me via the below channels:

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Healthy Mum & Bub Official Hosted Website: Visit




Jenny Yan | Healthy Mum and Bub Fan Page

Healthy Mum and Bub Group link:

Email: [email protected]


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