What to Expect for New Mums After Giving Birth – Day 1 to Day 4 at Hospital

Another succinct summary by our lovely guest contributor Mum Jannet Tang. This is the sequel of the last post and is about what new Mums will expect after giving birth. This will be your little bedside Bible for your stay at the hospital. So here it is in a Day by Day little short diaries in point 📒 form:

Day 1
*Bleeds heavier than normal period – needs to change maternity pad every 3-4 hours.
*Do drink lots of water and try to walk around a lot as these will help with recovery.
When peeing, try to sit forward and lean forward. Pat dry.

*He/she can sleep up to 6 hours straight as baby is also recovering.
*1 wet and 1 dirty nappy.
*Vitamin k and hepatitis B injections.

Day 2
*Breasts start to feel tender/uncomfortable.
*Make sure to get stitches checked
*Will still bleed but not much.

*He/she will awake and cry from time to time. The crying is due to feeling insecure.
*Place the baby on the chest to calm him/her down. Talk to someone and have the baby close to you. This will be good for the baby’s development and bonding with the baby.
*Sleeps for 1-2 hours straight from time to time.
*2 wet and dirty nappies.

*Step up and look after the baby.

Day 3
*Baby blue – happy hormones oxytocin leaves the body.
*Relaxing hormone left the body so mum will feel very sore. Breasts will begin to get very full.

*Be supportive.

*Calms down.
*Sleeps for up to 2.5-3 hours straight.
*Newborn screening test and getting their heel pricked. If there are no calls regarding results then it means all is good.
* Newborn hearing test doesn’t always pass on the first go due to reasons such as there is still a bit of fluid in the ear/s.

Day 4
*Feels happy again as oxytocin starts to get back.
*Breasts are full.
*Bleeding will become less.

*Feeding every 2-3 hours.
*A lot of nappies.
* 2 free visits to postnatal within first 6 weeks.
*Can lose up to 10% or birth weight. Regain birth weight after 2 weeks.
*150-200g weight gain per week.

Hope the above little notes help and can ease your mind for your hospital stay. We will have one more little tips bible from Jannet. Stay tuned and check out our next post.

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